Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Green Web Sites Flourish

greenguidance_headeronly.jpgIn an ever-growing trend (no pun intended), I have noticed an emphasis on “green” lately that has taken root (oops) on the web. One example is sprig.com, launched by The Washington Post earlier this year. It’s sort of an online woman’s magazine with a special focus on environmentally friendly fashion, food, home, and beauty.

We live in a special time where people can explore all sorts of things on the Internet, including the environment. I’m by no means an activist or even erudite on the subject, but I do like nature and I like to think that little shifts here and there can add up to good results. The Green Guide, by National Geographic, is filled with great tips and references. I have added their Green Guidance box to this site to give you a glimpse of what their site has to offer, as well as to simply remind myself to visit their site from time to time.


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