Deb Owen over at 8 hours & a lunch has tagged me to list 8 random things about me. This is the first time I’ve been tagged for anything, but I’m excited and ready for the challenge, so here we go.
First, the rules:
- Post these rules before you give your facts.
- List 8 random facts about yourself.
- At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names (linking to them)
- Leave them a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged!
Eight random things about me:
- I love random! I am good at random. My train of thought may jump the tracks sometimes, but there is almost always a method to my madness.
- I love language. I like beautifully written prose, descriptions that transport readers, puns, and plays on words. A professor once marked my paper down for using “maybe,” when “perhaps is so much better.” You know what? Sometimes it is better. And sometimes, it really is maybe.
- I am not a chef, however I sometimes make great meals by accident. Last week’s accident was chicken stirfry in a spicy peanut sauce.
- I was an engineering major for a year-and-a-half in college. I did the calculus, programming, computer science, more calculus, chemistry, all of it. Then, I graduated with a degree in English. No, not because it was next alphabetically. I enjoyed written communications better. All of this brought me to web project management which I’ve been doing for almost 7 years now.
- I understand why my dad once said, “I’m 50 years old and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.” I would like to be a web editor. Admitting it is the first step.
- I have a Webkinz, and I try to visit her for at least 5 minutes every day. Sure it may sound silly, but my inner child is delighted.
- I like the super heroines and villainesses of DC Comics: Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Supergirl. And why not? They’re strong, sassy, and, well… comical.
- On her list, deb owen said, “i have, without a doubt, the most awesome friends and family on the entire planet.” So I reply… you know my friends and family? Neat! ;)
Now, I tag:
- Dr. Lisa Tomaszewski of Physician’s Money Digest, a site which is teaching me a lot about my personal finances (even though I’m not a doctor
- Papa Ceph, whose loved ones might enjoy 8 random facts about Lil’ Karl
- J. de Vrede at J., a faithful reader
- Farrell Kramer at .kramer- we want to know more about the man behind the communications company
- Steve J, a former colleague also really good at random
- Pepita at ThinkingSparks, who has interesting thoughts on business
- Lynne Demmer at Everything’s Green who has been a little scarce lately, but hopefully she’s not gone for good
- Nicolae Rusan of Foresighter, another quiet one lately